The challenge: Propose new solutions to combine advanced manufacturing with aerospace and/or textile

Presenting the 1st GALACTICA Hackathon

  • An open-innovation challenge aimed to find new early-stage ideas that combine advanced manufacturing with aerospace and/or textile
  • All projects will be evaluated by experts from 10 European clusters and organisations, both from a technical and business perspective
  • The competition will run in February and March 2021. It is open to teams from SMEs, Start-Ups and Students within the European Union
  • Register by 29 January!
  • 4 teams will be awarded a total amount of € 50,000 to develop their ideas and will have the chance to access other GALACTICA support tools

Why should I participate?

  • To obtain financial support for early-stage new ideas to combine advanced manufacturing with aerospace and/or textile. Companies can get up to € 25,000 and students up to € 10,000 (total prizes € 50,000)
  • To access a wide European network of clusters and organisations, thus obtaining visibility for the project and gaining the opportunity to connect with key players in multiple industrial sectors
  • To have the chance of accessing additional tools offered by GALACTICA project (Orbital Projects, Pioneer Acceleration) to further support the scale-up of innovative ideas and create new value chains

The Hackathon:

1st round:

When: 9 – 24 February 2021
Where: Online
Support: 3 Workshops
Output: Concept Note and Video pitch

Selection of 10 teams

2nd round:

When: 18 – 19 March 2021
Where: Online
Support: 1 Workshop and Mentorship
Output: Live Business Pitch

The prize

SMEs & Start-ups: € 25,000 winner / € 10,000 runner-up
Students: € 10,000 winner / € 5,000 runner-up

Accept the challenge

Register by 29 January and be part of an amazing happening!

The registration for the Hackathon is open from 17 December 2020 until 29 January 2021.

Please check the terms of participation here.

1st hackathon terms of participation

Meet the winners of the 1st hackathon!