funding opportunities in italy
Find here a repository of the main funding programs, at national level.
Description : To develop a patent strategy and the enhancement of the competitive capacity of micro and SMEs by granting and providing incentives for the purchase of specialised services aimed at the economic valorisation of a patent in terms of profitability, productivity and market development.
Typology of activities supported : Services related to design, engineering and industrialization (included Proof of concept); services related to organisation, development, and Technology transfer.
Grant amont : 30 million €
Duration : Non-repayable grant
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Fondo impresa femminile
Description : To support SMEs of young people, women, social security recipients or freelancers, operating in the manufacturing, craft, trade, culture, tourism and service sectors.
Grant amont : Max 24 500 € per project
Duration : 7 years
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Voucher connettività - Imprese
Description : The measure is addressed to SMEs and provides a connectivity voucher for ultra-fast Internet subscriptions.
Typology of activities supported : A contribution ranging from a minimum of EUR 300 to a maximum of EUR 2,500 is envisaged for Internet subscriptions with download speeds of 30 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s (and higher).
Grant amont: A contribution ranging from a minimum of EUR 300 to a maximum of EUR 2 500 is envisaged for Internet subscriptions with download speeds of 30 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s (and higher)
Duration : Between 18 and 24 months
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